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Trump voter: If Jesus Christ told me Trump colluded with Russia, I’d check with Trump:

    A man who said he voted for President Trump in 2016 said on Monday that if Jesus Christ told him Trump colluded with Russia, he would still have to check with the president to see if it was true.

    “If Jesus Christ gets down off the cross and told me Trump is with Russia, I would tell him, 'Hold on a second. I need to check with the president if it's true,’” said Mark Lee, one of six Trump voters to appear on a CNN panel Monday morning.

When it's just one person saying weird shit, you think "Huh, must be an outlier/extremist". But when 37% of a population responds to a poll question like that, you realize that we're now dealing with a sizeable number of extremists in this country. People who need to pass a tax bill (to arguably screw over themselves!) so badly that they'll knowingly put a child predator into public office.

Meanwhile, with their newly-adopted identity politics (thanks, political left?), your PhD has rendered any insight that you might offer totally invalid to them. You filthy elitist, how dare you question the populist's hero, Lord Trump. I, for one, gladly offer an additional 400% of my research stipend to help subsidize repealing the estate tax.

Is this what it feels like to live in dark times? Or am I just a total pussy?