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A very interesting graph. I would almost say "poor Paul Ryan", but can't quite bring myself to it.

Paul Ryan seems to be one of those guys who "Before we used to describe him as young and promising. Now we just describe him as young."

The question the Republicans must be asking themselves though is whether breaking with Trump will sink them even further or whether it will enable them to retake some of their lost ground. The fact that Trump is more popular among their voters than the party per se could indicate the former.

> It's so much easier being wrong together than right alone.

Well said. One of my deepest frustrations with all the elected republicans is that none of them seem to internalize the key role of the offices they have been elected for: to lead the nation. Any leadership role requires the courage to do what is right, even if it hurts you as an individual, giving priority to the nation (or the corporation if in business, or the cause if an NGO, etc).