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user-inactivated  ·  2499 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 21, 2017

Book 1

I'm like 40 pages away from the end of volume 2 of War and Peace.

Folks, we've hit a bit where I'm not at all digging on the main plots. My main interest is a subplot that you only get glimpses of through the eyes of two selfish young adults. I'll be glad when I'm at the end of this volume so I can put it back down and read something else.

Book 2

What will be the something else?

Three options:

I cracked open The Phenomenology of Spirit last night. That will take a while.

But then, one of the other books I want to read is Godel, Escher, Bach. Given up on it before, but I've made it far enough into Das Kapital that I feel more confident in plowing through Hofstadter's, um, style this time.

The final book I've set before me is The Wealth of Nations.

G.E.B. gets bonus points for the fact that I have a physical copy to read from, and it'd be nice to have a book to discuss with my Dad. He's suggested I try I Am A Strange Loop first, but I haven't found a copy of it yet at the used book store.

Hegel and Smith get points for being suggested by francopoli and bfv a while back.

Edit: Decided I'm reading Kant before Hegel...


I don't wanna!