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user-inactivated  ·  2513 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your Memories Aren't Your Memories

The theory I heard a long time ago went: "You search in music the reflection of your emotions or the kind of emotions you want to have". I don't know how true that is.

I know this, though: I used to listen a lot of music in minor, back when I was an angsty teenager. Now, I'm leaning towards jazz and rock, with the angsty dubstep rendering me unsettled. I used to listen to a lot of dubstep, too - presumably, as a reflection of my repressed anger. I still dabble in trap and electro to this day, but dubstep is no longer my tune.

Some songs go with me through the years, though. I presume some of it has nostalgic value, reminding me of the times or the people associated with the song. I remember listening to The Prodigy back when I was about 12, at a camp where we had dance nights. I nagged the DJ to put on one of my favourites and enjoyed seeing it come to life, even though it may have been entirely inappropriate to the tone of the evening, now that I think about it. Still like the songs.