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am_Unition  ·  2569 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Sean Spicer Flubbed the Holocaust on Passover

    One can accurately argue that Hitler did not deploy chemical weapons against enemy combatants in a theater of war.

There's gotta be some cut footage of Dennis from Always Sunny hearing or saying that, and eventually concluding that Hitler was actually a pretty classy, well-kempt guy. And I typically censor stupid / potentially offensive reactions like that one (especially invoking pop culture) because they don't add much to a conversation, but let it now serve to demonstrate how I'm commonly reacting to reality. I think a lot of us are doing some variant of a fictional take/likening. Damn, Obama's gig got boring, in hindsight. We were so productive!

Yeah, it's beautiful, but this Spicer story isn't "important", and I'm guilty of sharing it. These headlines even satiate peoples' need for a soundbyte when there are plenty of other ongoing assaults more worthy of some good pitchforking. But we do need this. Just let us have this. One of the staples on my left eyelid has come loose. #drama