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weewooweewoo  ·  2571 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Flac is terrified about employment: a choose your own adventure story

There is nothing I want more in the world than a full time 9-5 desk job.

Fuck me, I need to be more grateful.

I have to admit that my current 9 - 5 desk job because I didn't give a shit about where I was applying to and what position I applied for. The one I currently have came from a complete joke (admittedly, it helped that I was insane at the time). I applied for a Front End Developer position with a resume that listed the skills I didn't have as "things I would learn in a coding bootcamp" (i think someone here is a frontender and just threw up in their mouth), and they obviously rejected me. But then they called me for another position that they had a month later, I tried it out and failed that. Then they called me in a 3rd time and now I have my current job that I just complained about that I'm probably going to be fired from last week but whatever- I fit into the world somehow. I promise I'll respect my job more.

Fuck that food service job, man. Pissed me off reading about it.

Your resume sounds impressive as hell. I have an Ivy friend who said he applied to 200 financial places to get to the job he has, and his resume is the most impressive one I've seen in my life. I can't tell if he's lying about how many applications, but it did kind of insert the idea in my mind that there is a numbers game involved. I applied to 10 places, but in a city I've lived in my whole life. I also read an article a week ago about how someone made a bot that applied him to (500?) places. kleinbl00s 2nd point is something I will corroborate on, I did not realize the power of THE PEOPLE YOU'RE A LITTLE ACQUAINTED WITH but it is underrated, should be the stat that I wish people told me to focus on in Life RPG.