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am_Unition  ·  2628 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Trump’s F.C.C. Pick Quickly Targets Net Neutrality Rules

No, you know what? Go on, do it.

Try to tax the internet away from us, slowly. If you don't think there's tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people who wouldn't devote their lives to seeding the next free internet within a year*, tops, then you're a fucking idiot. No, actually, it's already out there, the need for it just hasn't hit critical mass yet.

Take the 'net away completely, and you will sow a near-instantaneous revolution of some sort.

Good luck.

*Edit: Obviously there exists an entire gradient of severity that necessitates a variety of responses. I think that some people are currently working to determine the best course of "business-based" actions (hint: it's gradual) that may eventually rob us of our lion's share of online autonomy and anonymity.