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user-inactivated  ·  2643 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: MOVIES: A triptych of discouragement

    In actuality, he's an asshole that speaks Harlan Ellison and outrage to anyone who will listen.

Which is why just about everyone that has ever interacted with him at a convention hates him. One of the things I like about that clip is it shows exactly how he is, or at least was, at the few ComicCons I went to where he was on stage. Off the stage, I had a nice little interaction with him a million years ago, but then again I did not ask him for anything either. I've also know people who escorted celebrities at events, the guys who volunteer to pick people up at airports, escort to hotels, interact with staff so the "talent" does not have to do that stuff. Hearing all those stories (and one guy has been doing this since the 80's) makes me appreciate the whole Death of the Author argument. Never meet your heroes and all that fun.

    The Beast was the movie Kevin Reynolds exorcised what Red Dawn became from his psyche.

Huh, he did Waterworld? I've never seen Waterworld, maybe I should try to find a copy online and watch it.

    I imagine that was about .001% of watching Titanic on a cannery ship in the arctic circle.

We wore out the tape watching and re-watching the boat sink. Working in extreme stress environments is a trip if you only do it for a short time frame. Definitely amps up your dark humor stats.