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goobster  ·  2645 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 25, 2017

"Hello! My name is Cumol and some colleagues and I were recently discussing the cellular research you are doing, and I am very interested in your results. I have enclosed my Master Thesis, in the hopes it might be useful in your work. In my thesis you will notice that I did not get to try X procedure on Y data set, because of Z. If you do more research in that area, I would be very interested to hear your results, as I think there may be some fascinating things to discover about the Y data. I look forward to reading your work when it is published! Please do not hesitate to ask, if I can be of any help or assistance in your work. Sincerely, Cumol."

Let's em know the community knows exactly what they are doing, and gives them a way out, while also expressing a genuine interest in a common subject, and helping a fellow researcher in your field.

The BEST part of this is if she takes you up on the offer! You can then be generous and helpful, and guide her away from your topic, and into a related topic that might bolster your own work. Win/win. But you don't get there unless you put your ego away and reach out honestly.