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flac  ·  2726 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 16, 2016

(update: more zippers == more fashion)

Second jacket attempt! Found some cheap cheap red wool at Joann's (cost $5 for 2 yards, whole jacket was ~$25), made me a jacket. Much happier overall with how this one turned out, all things considered. Took inspiration from my dad's old bellhop jacket (this is similar in color, but not cut - my dad's has a grey stripe down the middle), which I will probably steal buttons from for accents when I get home.

Still to do: lining, clean up/even up the hem, tighten the waist a touch, add some buttons and doodads.

The patch is just a quick 'n dirty applique I made from scraps I had lying around. First time making a patch, and first time working with zippers.


I'm leaving Chicago this Sunday. So much packing...