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thundara  ·  2772 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 21, 2016

Passed my thesis proposal, check that off my morale menagerie for 2016.

Stumbled on a few questions: How does amyloid change in the spinal fluid, is X an oncogene, what's the prevailing theory on the cause of late onset Alzheimer's. But as we got into the rhythm of things, it turned into a pretty constructive conversation. One of the profs then asked: "You want some human brain? Culturable brain cells? I know a guy." and it went just got better from there.

Now I'm taking a bit of time off. Was a bit boring at first, what with all my other friends here being young urban professionals who often work even on the weekends. But leaving for Sweden today, and looking forward to visiting a long time friend there, being a tourist, and getting far away from Boston for just a little bit.

Edit: Also, after seeing it referenced several times here, I picked up Flash Boys. I'd heard good things, but it was even better than I'd expected.