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user-inactivated  ·  2787 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Laptop buying help? /SOLVED

What software do you use? Are you married to the Apple infrastructure? Are you willing to go through a bit of a learning curve to learn Windows over MAC? Do you depend on software that will only run on Apple computers?

If you just want to keep using what you are familiar with, go MAC. I'm not a fan of apple, but I am a fan of people getting value out of their gear. Apple stuff seems solid, if a bit pricey for what it is, but I'm not one of those people who say "ewww MAC" when asked about them.

IF you are adventurous, here is what you can do!

Get this: https://amzn.com/B0150PJR3K

Note: I have that laptop, it goes out into the field with me, I abuse it, it runs FPS games at 60FPS, I do video editing and image stacking on the thing, it runs wonderfully. You can get SSD's bigger hard drives etc if you want to spend more, but that video card in that system is fine for everything except the ultra settings. It has 16GB RAM which is more than 99% of people will ever need and it has a 1TB hard drive.

Now, get a keyboard, mouse, a monitor, and you now have a desktop station. Get a port replicator and all you need is one cable to the laptop's USB3 port. These peripherals will run you $400-$500 leaving you $500 for other stuff like a good laptop carrying case/backpack, external hard drive etc. And if you have a laptop, you need an external hard drive you keep at homebase to save all your data, or pay for cloud storage.

Since you are so mobile, I'd stick with a laptop, and stick with at 15" class screen. Plug in a bigger monitor at home if you want a bigger screen to watch movies etc. A Macbook will do all this but you pay extra for it.

If you have questions, let me know.