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jadedog  ·  2839 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I do this thing on Thursdays.

I have a question. I'm a bit cynical about the motivation for this project. Sorry if that comes across badly or. . .er. . . thank you for not judging me harshly because you're not, right? (yes, I read one of the archive posts about people saying sorry too much). :p

From a quick skim, it sounds like there's a lot of Christian sentiments in the archives. That doesn't bother me too much, but will there be proselytizing as time goes by?

I had a friend who was an ex-pastor. He would be talking to me like anyone else, but once in a while, he would get to proselytizing out of the blue. It was jarring and annoying and colored what happened before and after it.