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bioemerl  ·  2977 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your phone was made by slaves: a primer on the secret economy

    That said, I doubt your self-claimed moral nihilism, simply because you evidently feel there's something amiss about killing so many animals for meat, burning up the planet and buying slave-made gadgets.

I don't believe anything is amiss about them, I believe other people think that is true, and use the statements to make an emotional point.

I talk about things from the context of "Traditional right and wrong" not of my own views, and attempt to show just how much the world fails to follow the words of that tradition to show people just how wrong that assumption of morality is.

    Perhaps you're more of a skeptic than a nihilist.

I go by nihilism from the standpoint of "there is no definite right and wrong" instead right and wrong is defined entirely by one's goals, and what they believe should and should not be done to achieve them.

In this case, all these "immoral" things serve goals, they make the world better in the long run, and doing them is better for humanity at the end of the day. We, as a whole, are a massive decision making and self-aware society, and the actions we take are based on the pressures we face from outside factors. Morality is determined by those pressures, not by our quest for the true common good.