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NSSTomato  ·  3056 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lelibertaire's Favorite Films of 2015

For The Lobster

    However, I need to check to see if that's part of the satire that I'm not getting

Definitely agree with you there on the narration parts. It's a movie that I'll have to watch a few times to really get everything out of it and that is okay with me. Between trying to decipher the French and the originality of it all I missed some bits along the way.

Also The Revenant and The Hateful Eight are fantastic. The Revenant blew my mind, might be my favorite movie of the year. As for The Hateful Eight, you have to watch it in 70mm. I watched it at home first (I'm a filthy pirate) and I didn't enjoy it much but in a theater and 70mm made all the difference to me.