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goobster  ·  3030 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lemmy

The seminal Motorhead album is, and always will be, the Ace of Spades. It can sound a bit timid in the era of Slipknot, but there would be no Slipknot/Metallica/Guns N Roses, etc, without Ace of Spades. Those kids grew up listening to this album.

If you go from Ace of Spades to Orgasmatron, you skip over a lot of Motorhead weirdness, and can hear how the sound stayed the same, but matured at the same time.

Then I'd suggest watching the movie about Lemmy, "49% Motherfker. 51% Son of a Bitch." It looks at the man, his life story, the musical path he invented, and the people influenced by him.

If you aren't a fan by then (and buying all the albums), then there isn't much more I can do for ya. :-)

As far as my age goes... yeah, I know age is a construct, but it's also a perspective. And with so many Hubskers recounting their 2015 goals and including "get A's in X class" or "get 2200 on my SATs", I feel really old. Fuck, I have zero idea what grade I got in any class, much less the SATs, and nobody out here in the world gives a shit, either. That's some high school shit, right there, and two years out in the world, nobody will care.

So age is more of a perspective than a meaningless construct. Priorities change. Some opinions mellow, and others become ossified. Agility is less respected, while quietness is something to achieve.

So age does divide us, in a way. It's things like Hubski that grab the edges of that Grand Canyon of a divide, and drag the sides together so we all feel connected and on some common ground. It's part of what I am learning to love about this place... less pedantic grandstanding, and more conversation.

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