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user-inactivated · 3325 days ago · link · · parent · post: rd95 and ThatFanficGuy talk religion. Part 1. Older civilizations and the benefits of practicing religion
Actually I was eventually going to start a thread with ThatFanficGuy about religious institutions and how they mirror secular institutions in concepts such as corruption, manipulation, etc. I'll be more than happy to give a shout out to you when I do and I'd love to hear some of your thoughts here so I can ponder them over. In the mean time, have you ever heard about the legend of the Pope allowing the eating of fish on lent to prop up the fish markets? The fact that it's so believable really points to how distrustful religious institutions can be sometimes.If I wasn't fighting off a stomach bug, then I'd make some cogent addition to the "Laws" area about how religion has also been a brilliant political tool over millennium.