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caelum19  ·  3114 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Upbeat Science Song -Sonic Boom

That's a really good observation, I forgot kids do that. I think that might be a bit down to the context people hear about us from, contexts like "reddit is dying!!!, here is a list of(mostly pretty new) replacements" and there's also the fact that you need to know people before you care about them, since a large percentage of Hubski's appeal is the people.

By the way, I would not have known about the Upbeat Science Song without the "Previous posts" feature.

I could be missing out on a lot since I can't see future posts without scrolling 15k days back into your post history, it would be a nice to view someone's post history, but centered around a certain post, if you know what I mean. Maybe a "Future posts" would be nice too, though that might make things a bit cramped at the bottom.