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user-inactivated  ·  3168 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: TFG's Workout - Week 2 (long due)

    For the burpees, I'd say break them into sets

I did; they still seem freaking hard. I suppose they're meant to - per aspera ad astra - but right now, they feel too hard to pursue. Like I said in the post: I get a certain level of endurance and strength for each consequent day, while with burpees, all I seem to do is challenge myself.

It might very well be that I've picked the wrong challenge for me: while Running and Core Challenges work slowly but steadily towards the goal and I get the feeling that I can tackle the next one since I did all the previous ones, Burpees Challenge just tires me physically and mentally.

If I decide to drop it - which seems more and more like a reasonable idea - I can always pick it up later, or include them, in a different fashion, in further challenges, or leave it on the floor and, instead, take up something that suits me more.