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user-inactivated  ·  3199 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Worldbuilding 101: What's Your Seed?

This took me a while to get to.

In one of my worlds, two things happened:

- the brain chip that connected a few billion people to the Internet got fried by what assumed to be either a computer worm (at least, that's what they call it after the fact) or a workframe mistake, frying most of the higher functions of the brain of the users,

- and someone launched several non-nuclear missiles onto the territory of the US, causing immense chaos, damage and, in case of Nevada and some of the eastern states, nuclear pollution (its nuclear plant was destroyed in a blast).

In short, the land is filled with pseudozombies who communicate through wireless Internet connection and are able to detect any Internet access in North America, pinpointing its location for the rest to hunt the fool. Pseudozombies - or, zeds - have some higher intelligence still (they're capable of cooperating in hunting the survivors, hiding and sneaking up, as well as still use firearms for those who have the trained reflexes), and therefore, extremely dangerous, even if one disregards their extensive aggression and tendency to group up. In addition, most sources of energy are down, water supplies are not to be trusted due to damage and, often, lack of support for the system, communication through Internet is impossible, and the technologies that might help people survive this - printing food and weapons, for example - are too expensive to use. What do people do?