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pyrrhonic  ·  3204 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Born In Between: When A Newborn’s Sex Is In Question, Why Do Doctors Get To Decide

"the medical community is still gripped by a mentality that favors fixing things over patient choice."

That's the crux of it, right there.

“Forcing children to be raised with ambiguous genitalia is really tough — that’s almost unethical.”

How is -- more or less -- arbitrarily choosing to remold someone's genitalia before they're even old enough to speak the more ethical choice here? In most cases our culture errs on the side of bodily autonomy. The only thing that makes this different is the cultural imperative to be either male or female overrules the individuals' agency over their own body. I guess medical ethics are still in their infancy. The Tuskeegee Syphilis experiments weren't that long ago.

And I might as well broach this thorny topic because it's relevant: as a non-Jewish person with a phallus, I wish I'd been given the choice of circumcision, instead of having the decision made for me at birth. Babies cannot consent to having their bodies permanently altered.