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pseydtonne  ·  3203 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you understand about life?

Money is one of several factors. When you are broke, you can probably afford time to save money. However when you have an urgent situation, you may just have to say goodbye to $100. Social status and maintaining a relationship are also vectors. Learn to weigh your factors more quickly -- your marriage or friendship may depend on it.

Hell is only for those that truly believe in it. You build your reality in your assumptions, but reality is bigger than you. If you think you're going to hell, then you are. If you would rather see a better world, start building the skills that would create it.

Working with your hands also helps develop your intellect. I studied philosophy in college, but I also spent my college time doing desktop publishing, learning Unix, doing audio production on 2-track and 4-track reels, and schlepping stuff I found. I remember a lot about Tiresias and hylomorphism, but I can also mix down live. Neither is more valuable, especially in a world with transgender DJs.

When I first got into a mosh pit, I fell and people stepped on my feet. It hurt. The show was still going, so I got back up. I hit the ground again. I got up slightly faster. Eventually I bought steel-toed boots and got used to getting hit. I liked being membrane, the edge of the pit: I could watch people lose their minds while keeping unsuspecting folks from getting sucked in. Eventually I became a sysadmin.

Don't be afraid of machines, neighborhoods, weird food, or other people. Anything you assume you know but don't try is your failure.

Learn to drive stick. Take one lesson, then buy a stick car. It's like learning to drive all over again. Then comes winter and you can simply stay in second gear all over the slush. You will know more about your car because you will shape the results of control. You will not fear the road or feel like a victim.

You may get to hang out with a lot of people, but not all of them are your friends. Some won't even break bread with you -- you can literally offer them to pull bread from a fresh loaf and they won't touch it. If they won't eat with you, don't try to date them.

Your parents may love you, but they won't always understand you. This is more than okay -- this is how you become independent.

You never know how often you could get laid if you don't make a trial close. I learned this when I worked in sales: don't be afraid of 'no'. If the other person doesn't leave, then you can address objections and try again. If the other person leaves, LET 'EM LEAVE. Go do something different.

However, getting laid won't always lead to a real relationship. It sounds obvious, but man can that take forever to sink in.

Never eat a hot dog on a boat. I learned that on a whale cruise.