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shiranaihito  ·  3205 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Post-Capitalism Has Begun

This is nonsense. People see the word "Capitalism" and imagine something like evil corporations oppressing us little worker peons.

In reality, Capitalism is just people producing goods and services and engaging in trades and investments. You'll see this if you think about what people do to make money, but take political power completely out of the picture.

Why are Internet connections so expensive? -Because there's no competition because ISPs are a state-maintained cartel everywhere.

Why are taxis so expensive, and why is Uber being banned all over the West? -Because taxis are a state-maintained monopoly/cartel everywhere.

Why was the Obamacare website such a disaster? -Because the job was handed to a bunch of stooges who have bribed the government to keep handing them other people's money to fuck up projects so that they can charge more for "fixing" things.

Somehow the same IT-shops keep getting more and more of those lucrative gigs from the government, even though the results they produce are shit (and everyone knows it).

There are countless examples.

So yeah, what's wrong with "Capitalism" is that it's Crony-Capitalism, where politicians are bribed to hand our money to their cronies. Then again, that's a big part of why they went into office to begin with.