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You know, I just realised how much reddit's fucked with me. One thing specifically, the constant one-upmanship, the infighting, the ' this is better than that'. I don't have specific experiences but I will say that I never found it, nor do i now, as a safe place to say anything. I very rarely post comments out of fear that someone might say ' FUCK YOU SUCK A DUCK!'. I'm not particularly fond of ducks, frankly. Neither am I fond of the down voting and upvoting, which in my case, led to me being unnecessarily anxious about my comments; knowing that some duck-loving person will tell me to suck one.

to clarify, the ducks i talk of above aren't a way of mocking hubski but instead to represent the absurdity of internet trolls and their weird creative manners of trolling people whereupon anything can be turned ANGRY and RIGHTEOUS and used to make me or others feel lesser about themselves.

Thank you @kaliYugaz for the reminder as to how horrible Reddit is.

TL;DR Yes, I no longer want to live on an internet site where I fear for criticism from anonymous hate-filled others. I'm glad to know of sites that aren't simply an iteration of youtube commenters.