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I don't know if it's an original idea, but I spend a lot of time in the non-profit world. They build programs that structure children's time in all these constructive ways - learning, building, educating - all stuff that's really mentally intensive and educational. But most at risk youth seem to have a time problem where they just need something to do. I'm of the opinion that if you just have programs where people work and work and work they are going to eventually get tired.

My idea is to make a lan bar. Most people pay for membership but every membership pays for yourself and someone else who otherwise couldn't afford it. This kind of plays into two ideas - the first is the time thing, finding a way to just eat up the time of at risk youths to keep them off the street, and the other being a way of creating a space where folks from different classes and of different races come together under a shared hobby.

I don't know if it would work, but it would be fun.