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invictus  ·  3209 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your morning routines?

I do run, I'm just not religiously devoted to it as some other people I know are. It really is refreshing, and it is worth it as long as you time it correctly and don't overwork yourself. As long as I do a run that I can handle pretty easily, then it is definitely worth waking up a bit earlier.

I really hope my comment on scaring my cats wasn't misinterpreted (and I'm just terrible at social relations) but I didn't mean to imply that I scared my cats on purpose, I just meant I'll fumble around my house and drop things and my cats are subjected to the loud noises. It's hilarious how much of a not-morning person I am, running has really helped with waking me up and keeping me up throughout the day too.