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realusername  ·  3400 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's your favorite distro?

Depends on what you are planning to do.

My PC is running Arch, after trying: Mandriva (or was i Mandrake ? it was years ago) which were very unstable for me, Ubuntu always go in my way, Debian was rock solid but too old, Gentoo was amazing, but compile times took to long. Arch gives me the freedom to setup my machine as I want it, doesn't get in my way, no need to upgrade every two years and frankly, it's more stable (as in, doesn't crash and burn, not APIs) then Ubuntu.

My personal server run with Debian, which is very stable. The exception is minimal KVM server, then Arch is acceptable, as long as it's not a commercial KVM server.