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nullun  ·  3402 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 1, 2015

Even though I was out till about 11pm last night drinking far too much vodka, I managed to get up at 5am this morning. Went for a 5.5km run, did 45 minutes of high intensity circuit training, then ran 5.5km back, all before work at 9am. :D I've now been at work for over 6 hours, sat at my desk. :(

On the weekend I participated in my first local Park Run which had almost 400 people show up! It was an awesome experience and I'd totally recommend finding one close to yourself!

I'm in two minds about this evening. It'd be nice to go out on the hottest day of the year so far, but also I should probably take it easy and have a relaxing evening in.