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shiranaihito  ·  3414 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Democratic Tea Party

    All of your points are very well refuted in my previous posts.

Really now?


    As tripperday pointed out consumers will delay purchases in anticipation of falling prices.


    Falling prices being a problem is a common misconception. Electronics keep getting cheaper and better but people keep buying them anyway, which proves that it's not actually a problem.


    Your fundamental misunderstanding of economic principles which have been explained to you in detail with examples is impressive.

That does not constitute a refutation of anything. But it served as a distraction to keep me preoccupied while you proceeded to pretend to school me. You want me to dance to your tune.

I get that a lot of what you're saying is actually accurate. But your latest responses are much wider in scope/context than the ones I responded to earlier. Now you've sprung your trap and revealed a much better understanding of what we were talking about than what you seemed to possess earlier.

As an example:

    EVEN MORE SO, most banks that originate the loan sell off your mortgage immediately to someone for a guaranteed amount and stop worrying about the interest ever

-Yes. Good point, and if you had brought that up when you made your original claim, my response would have been different. But you didn't.

It's a neat trick to make me look bad, at least to anyone who doesn't go through the whole thread for context.

    I have never 'changed my tune'.

Sure you have. It changed from the ad-hominem post to one where you actually discuss things (while of course spewing your psychopathic poison along the way).

But at the very least I've now established that your claim of refuting all of my points is simply false.

    Your authority is a gut feeling that you have that inflation is bad and deflation would make us richer.

I haven't appealed to any authority whatsoever, especially not a "gut feeling". But nice sophistry again. So you're saying losing your purchasing power (~inflation) is not bad then?

By the way, I haven't claimed that (price-)deflation would "make us richer", but just that it amounts to an increase in purchasing power.