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user-inactivated  ·  3243 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 17, 2015

    They're also a common front for narcotics money laundering so if you're interested in criminal enterprise, there are worse avenues to pursue.

Yeah. That's actually the second biggest reason I'm hesitant, behind an expected cut in pay. Drugs are out of control where I live and there is a TON of people who steal any bit of metal that isn't bolted down and sell it to scrap collectors. As in, when you look at house listings on real estate sites, you'll often see noted "missing copper pipes" or "missing aluminum siding." Junk yards around here are pretty indiscriminate about their clients, so I'm sure I'd be dealing with meth heads and heroin addicts if I took this job. I honestly don't want any part of that.

The guys that own this place seem pretty chill and upstanding though. So I dunno. I'm pretty torn.