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psudo  ·  3238 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If this is the beginning of the end for Reddit, then Reddit deserves to die

Other than the loud minority of trolls trying to get revenge by flooding other subreddits, what I have found distasteful is the lack of consistent enforcement. I certainly disliked jailbait and creepshots and fatpeoplehate, and I can see why they would be banned and can even get behind some of the reasons. The thing is that almost all of the given reasons aren't really the case or else places like srs would have been shut down too, as they have a long history of inciting harassment of individuals including doxxing.

All that said this isn't going to be the end of reddit, just like every other scandal that seems to pop up around once every 3 months fails to be the end of reddit. I just know that I'm personally sick of both the admins' wishy-washy rule enforcement and the trolls petty revenge.