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organicAnt  ·  3253 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Earthlings documentary - has anyone dared to watch it?

I don't get your response to my sincere question. I was trying to make the point that different cultures have different beliefs of what's acceptable animal abuse.

I showed you the abused dogs to try understand where you stand on animal abuse since you said "Millions of people around the world (and even in the evil USA) track, hunt, kill, and butcher their own meat. And they love it." I wanted to know if abusing dogs was ok for you as it obviously is ok in certain Asian countries.

I'm trying to show you the selective animal discrimination or specie-ism that we're taught and brought up with. It's a shame that you see that as being militant. If that makes me a vegan extremist, what does it make of meat eaters? As for your last sentence, I'm sorry but that's just childish and coward to take your frustration on the defenceless and voiceless.