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lil  ·  3266 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Write a poem. Here. Now. Don't think about it. Just do it. NOW!

Poem by lambda

   That's good enough for me to sell my tears for money.
  Someday my mother will die and I'll get the money.
  Would you pay money for tears?

  I'll do my best to put a damper on the cheap college waitlist.
  I love that you don't feel you're on the waitlist.
  I don't think my resume requires seasoning.

  The eels, are they still on the hovercraft?
  The eels are swarming all over the contrary hovercraft.
  You are the eels, the eels.

  The eels told me a secret:
  They said keep yourself from false despair.
  Are they still on the tip of my tongue?

  You are a bottomless pit of questions
  The weather is nice at the bottom of the pit of questions.
  It's dark at the bottom of the pit of questions.  Who is contrary?
Quatrarius c_hawkthorne thundara