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user-inactivated  ·  3419 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Feedback Appreciated ......Dreams Within a Nightmare

Thx refugee,

I have that same issue with most of my writing, where i also view it as pretentious and snobbish. Made to appear it has weight when in reality there is a void there, an emptiness of sorts.

I dig what you have to say about the style, i personally see how constructing a sentence in such a way is or might appear annoying, the reason i write is such a structure is because English is not my first language, but it is my preference to write in it. also, when i write in such a structure, i perceive that it has a different connotation, creating more imagery and warmth. i don't know which i like better, i am not sure if its a preference issue or if its syntax or structurally incoherent or simply wrong on my part.