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user-inactivated  ·  3443 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Can we cogently refute "stealing is stealing"?

    Reply: You have no "rights" over information, any more than you have rights to the CO2 you exhale, or the river that runs through your land.

    But it's not something you can practically own, any more than you can own the water cycle, or an emotion, or the right to look at the Moon.

    On the moral side, information, numbers, and algorithms belong to humanity. Just like breathing and watching sunsets.

Those sentences don't mean anything.

In fact, you didn't address the part of kleinbl00's post that you quoted at all, as far as I can tell. What's the moral argument for piracy? You say: that I have no right to anything I produce. Why? I disagree completely. You can't just say that and expect it to be held as true. You also say: it is impractical. Well, sure, but that has absolutely nothing to do with morality. You finally say: information belongs to humanity. That may be a sort of moral argument, but you don't justify it, you just use more similes. Does my bank account belong to humanity?