I have no options here, you are going to choose option 3 on your own based on how you just responded. It is clear you have already made your decision. Here are my arguments, though: 1) We didn't as a society know about them. You might have, that's great. This means our public opinion on current events have been swayed for years and we have been swindled, essentially. I don't see that as good news. 2) Cool. I never said you didn't. I was just curious if you had seen the original video and was a bit upset by you being happy about this news. I'm not even mad at you, I just think you are a bit too politically inclined and that it is slightly jading you about death and suffering. I am jaded in other ways as well, does that mean I'm a bad person? No. Does this mean you are a bad person? No. I simply asked why you thought today was a good day when I feel it is an awful one given this news, and why we give a shit about Karl Rove getting blamed at all when the ultimate message here is that more people are going to die, more people suffered from chemical weapons in the recent Iraq war than previously known, and the government is continuing to lie to us as a society. That's all bad news in my eyes. 3-5) I don't really know what your point is here, to be honest. Is ISIS going to take over the world? No. I never claimed it was. Can they kill people? Yes, every human has the ability to kill others. Have they killed people? Yes, which shows they have intent to do so. Have they got numbers? It seems like it, though I could be wrong about that. Is that guy on death row that killed one person "a joke", too? Every loss of life is not a joke in my mind. 6) I'm not talking about using these as a giant bomb and strapping them to an warhead and launching it at the United States. IEDs can be improved by strapping these things to them, for instance. Large droves of these can be detonated as a dirty bomb inside Iraq if they get lucky as well. Even the US's crude detonation caused US soldiers to have chemical burns as evidenced in the video, all they did was blow them up. The only way that the enemy might not in the future get any shells at all is if we found every single one of them while we were there and destroyed them all. How can we know this? They apparently accidentally discovered a few shells, blew them up, and found an ass ton more underneath them by accident. I don't see how I condescended in the first place, but then again I have problems with seeing that sort of thing sometimes so maybe I really did. I'm really unclear why I was just attacked so outright like this, could you elaborate without being so angry at me? I'll apologize if I really was being a dick. I'm not angry with you. Is this a defensive reaction? Did you feel like I was challenging your knowledge on the topic? I know this happens a lot for a lot of people when they get invested deeply into a topic and know a lot about it. Anyone who shows ignorance (like I did) can sometimes appear to be an affront on a person who knows a lot about a subject. I do it all the time on my fields of study, so I think it's human nature. I try to mitigate it but it's really hard to, so I understand. Keep in mind that not everyone has in fact done all the research that you have on the topic, so you're going to face ignorance all the time so it's best not to get angry at people for being ignorant. That's what I try to tell myself (even though I fail miserably at it). I think there's even a name for this psychological phenomenon, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. The video came out this week, so I was curious if you had seen it. You can talk to the best academic scholars on any subject and sometimes they aren't fully up to date on every single piece of video or factoid that has come out even in the last year, or even decade sometimes. There is a lot of knowledge out there, and no one person has all knowledge about every subject. I was trying to be helpful. I am also not sure why the duration of my account was even brought up. Does me having an account for only 20 days make me less of a person?We value civility around here, Mr. 20 days. We've never talked before, which means I've done nothing to deserve your condescension. So you can either reef it back or you can STFU.