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I am not posting this as a pointed statement vis a vis Gaza; I just think this guy is completely right and deserves to be heard.


About Gaza: it's beyond fashionable right now among liberals to be anti-Israel, which I think is ironic. I've noted this especially among people my age (early twenties) who don't seem to have any grasp of the history of the conflict. While having an anti-Israel opinion doesn't bother me, having it without thought because you read numbers the liberal media stacks up is destructive. Take this post as a small reminder that all numbers are relative, and that apportioning blame is rarely as clear cut as our American textbooks would have us believe.

And remember -- in the 21st century we have an increasing propensity to think about and talk about only what the media wants us to. It's easier and comes more naturally to us. I read something very disturbing on my facebook feed yesterday. An intelligent friend of mine wrote a well-received, persuasive and ultimately asinine critique of Israel's civilian killing. The crux: until they are killed, these human shields are merely humans. Hamas isn't doing the killing; Israel is. That's the sort of thing that it's very easy to find yourself nodding along to -- until you stop, shake yourself and realize that you've politically-correcticized yourself into bizarre irrationality by relieving Hamas of its blame in choosing to use civilians as deterrents. And even that is an oversimplification, because many of the civilians who have been killed in Shejaiya are innocent, and were not being used as shields (at least overtly).

In a situation where there are no right answers, think twice before you draw conclusions and blame groups of people.