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sardis  ·  3572 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Laura E. Hall: What Happens When Digital Cities Are Abandoned?

if anyone here is interested in a dying city you should check out worlds.

you can download it here under "Worlds installer V 1890"

it might be hard to get it running on windows 7 and higher but trust me it is well worth it if you are interested in this type of thing. there's a small group of long timers who are on there almost 24/7, most of them have been there since the beginning or close to it.

here's a neat report if you're interested but dont have the time to visit yourself.

edit: also, let me know if you're interested in seeing some of the more unsettling areas, i believe i still have a version of worlds with points of interest bookmarked.