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teamramonycajal  ·  3981 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Does the Internet Hate Self-Promotion?

Interesting; I didn't know kleinbl00 was a bit of a raging sexist 3 years ago. From the 'Coital Harmony' post:

    I also want you to consider this: Your entire sexual mentality is based around ritual, flirtation, compromise, subterfuge and other things straight out of a Danielle Fucking Steele book. Our sexual mentality, on the other hand, is grab & fuck. Not to put too fine a point on it, but a half dozen generations ago you bitches were de-facto property. If we wanted in your pantaloons we'd fucking ask your dad, not you. So next time you get all catty and bitchy about shit, remember that we're dealing with our instincts in your world and try not to be too fucking complicated about it. 'cuz you know what? We might just decide you aren't fucking worth it.

Is this a threat? Is 'your world' a place where you consider women property, kleinbl00? Is a world where both sexes are treated like people suddenly a world belonging to women? This speaks very, very poorly about men - certainly at least kleinbl00's perception.

Nice generalization about women's behavior you got going there. At least for my part I openly criticize women who mention the sort of subterfuge you describe, and don't think for a moment that men don't engage in it either - what of the dude who decides he's going to lie his way into some girl's pants?

For that matter, all this nonsense reinforces a dynamic where women are seen as the gatekeepers (and things like slut-shaming and not having sex on the first date are seen as violations of this stupid notion by many other women) and men are seen as the seekers, and that's just fucking archaic.

    That's why, by the way, you're always bitching about how there are no nice guys yet you consistently turn down gentlemen and date thugs. It's because they're callous enough to ignore you and power through your bullshit.

No, this is not a 'women' thing. This is a 'stupid and insecure human' thing. There are any number of men out there who go after either dumb or abusive women for some reason or another and ignore the awesome ones at their doorstep.

    You live in a world where rape is common and where you hold vigils just to raise awareness. Thing of it is, we live in that world, too - and what it means for us is that if you decide three weeks from now that you didn't want to have sex as much in retrospect as you did in actuality, our lives are fucking OVER.

Nice assumption that we're all stupid or nasty enough to report someone to the police that we didn't want to have sex with. Again, this is not a 'women' thing. This is an 'asshole' thing.

I hope kleinbl00 doesn't seriously still think this about all women, because this is some grade-A bullshit.

I had more respect for you when I came on this website, kleinbl00. You just lost a shit-ton of it.

EDIT: Since I am not above posting more delightful dirt, a selection of replies to kleinbl00's reddit post:

    As a guy who is very much NOT "forever alone", this is fucking bullshit. Girls who play these sorts of games aren't worth the trouble. Some of them grow up into women who aren't a total pain in the ass, and some of them end up with guys who have bad judgment or a fetish for trouble. When I decided I was sick of dating girls, and ready to date women, things turned around quite quickly for me.

centropomus, 95 points

    Am I the only one who finds this whole tirade rather disgusting and sexist? - The_Reckoning, 19 points

    No, but all the other sane and normally-developed guys who aren't relationally traumatized are too busy being productive or living happily with their partners to bother getting neck-deep into this shit. -room23, 13 points

Here, by the way, is the Coital Harmony thread. With kleinbl00's name at the top of it.

Flame me, ostracize me from Hubski, whatever, but Hubski deserves to know what one of its most beloved commenters thinks or evidently at least thought 3 years ago.

EDIT: So I mentioned below that if I decided to leave Hubski, you'd all realistically just fade away to me like you never existed; in kleinbl00's case, maybe he'd fade away as one of those whiny misogynists that Reddit has a problem with. Another TRPer or ungenuine Men's Rights activist or beatingwomen subscriber.