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onlythelonly · 3953 days ago · link · · parent · post: Is there a way to stay informed (regarding news) and not be overwhelmed with hate/anger?
It's not always (ever, really) so cut and dry, though. Down to the way the information is received from the journalist. What are they trying to say? Why did they use these words? Especially, it seems, lately that we've gotten so much better at speaking and thinking in political /legal mindsets. Everything is a bloody press release because it's the most efficient way to pretend that multiple people share a common, concise message. It's easy for us to digest. And feel like we can make a rational decision based on the information perceived by our brain. But these are just words. And truly every event will be interpreted differently by each and every person, day to day, week to week and so on. How can I trust my own eyes, let alone yours?