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alpha0  ·  4490 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Brave New World -- the prequel
> Interesting. Maybe a work in progress for the new BNWs? Facebook?

I assert that America remains a spiritual nation. We haven't had our 1984 yet. Not fully (thus "Patriot" Act/NDAA/etc -- these are 1984-ish 'doublespeak' documents). Plenty of people believe in God in this country and European intellectuals will never fail to note this characteristic in their "provincial" cousins, and, (one remains hopeful that) equally large portions strongly believe in the ideas that are foundation of this nation (which also directly reference God). Both are vehemently under attack.

Or look at this other "obstinate" hold-out folk among the "developed" world:

http://www.admin.ch/ch/e/rs/101/ani1.html [preamble]

http://www.admin.ch/ch/e/rs/1/101.en.pdf [pdf - full]

(Lovely document, btw. Should be required reading.)