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b_b  ·  3692 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I Went to a Party

I am someone who loves alcohol and loathes parties. I think parties, no matter what the 'scene', bring out the worst in people. There's a group dynamic that emerges that I find incredibly off putting. I would rather shoot myself that to even enter a dance club (I once had fun at one when I was on an unhealthy amount of blow; so that should tell you all you need to know). I think it's great to have the confidence to "just say no" to parties. And as parties go, there's none worse than the college variety (well, maybe a wedding where you don't really know anyone): the music is bad; the drinks are terrible; the people are lame; and the conversation does not really even exist. My advice is to stay away. I used to go from time to time when I was your age for the simple reason that I wanted to hang out with friends, and that's what they found enjoyable. If you're not into it, there's no point in pretending. Just say no.