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user-inactivated  ·  3876 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm the Duke University Freshman Porn Star and for the First Time I'm Telling the Story in my Words

    Look at how the double standard between guys who have a lot of sex and girls who have a lot of sex. In general, one is highly regarded and the other is disparaged. Men are allowed to have as many partners as they want with impunity, but women are subjected to being derided or looked down upon for the same thing.

Is it weird that I almost think the opposite? In my opinion, in the 21st century men almost have a sort of responsibility not to sleep around because there exists a stereotype and we should subvert it. I respect the hell out of guys who are in long stable relationships, or at least I don't disrespect them because they aren't sleeping with tons of people all the time. Not to say I judge anyone for the amount of sex they have, because there's not "only so much sex in any one" man (my favorite bit of the article; spot on).

And then on the flip side after examining what I think about all this I find that I sort of respect girls who sleep around a lot. Same reason -- they're refusing to let societal stereotypes dictate their actions. So it leads to an odd reversal of the double standard.

I'm drunk and rambling a bit, but still. I'm never sure what to say when I encounter the idea that you mention -- slut shaming vs. male non-slut shaming. Kind of, "what the hell?" Obviously a real thing but oughtn't we be getting to a more enlightened place soon?