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user-inactivated  ·  3876 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm the Duke University Freshman Porn Star and for the First Time I'm Telling the Story in my Words

    The most striking view I was indoctrinated with was that sex is something women “have,” but that they shouldn’t “give it away” too soon -– as though there’s only so much sex in any one woman, and sex is something she does for a man that necessarily requires losing something of herself, and so she should be really careful who she “gives” it to.

    The prevailing societal brainwashing dictates that sexuality and sex "reduce" women, whereas men are merely innocent actors on the receiving end. By extension, our virginity or abstinence has a bearing on who we are as people -- as good people or bad people, as nice women or bad women.

    Women's ability to be moral actors is wholly dependent on their sexuality. It is, honestly, insane.

Love this. Great depiction of a terribly harmful social norm. As far as the patriarchy bit, she lets us come to our own conclusions -- what does hubski think about "It terrifies us to even fathom that a woman could take ownership of her body" for example?