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jaggs  ·  3881 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Vi Hart on Google+/YouTube integration


Um...the real problem is Google+ is not a failure. And far from being some random act by Google, this is a deliberate continuation of a strategy to make G+ the glue behind all of the company's services.

Those who see this as an attack on YouTube don't realize that it's got nothing to do with YouTube per se, and everything to do with integrating information discovery into a curated, more relevant format over the long term.

Yes it's annoying to some, because it's a) change and b) involves additional work to set up, but in the long run every part of Google is going to be connected together in this way, so your experience with all their products will be seamless, whether on mobile, the desktop or on the ISS.

The one thing most people don't get about Google is the company is incredibly 'strategic'. They may get their tactics wrong occasionally (we're looking at you Wave!) but the overall strategy remains as strong today as when they set out to integrate search and advertising on as many platforms as they could find.

This is just one more step along the road.