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Aksalon  ·  4010 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If your house was burning down, what would you take with you?

All the animals hopefully.

If I ever get around to backing shit up, I'd only have to grab one hard drive. Currently I'd have to grab ~5 hard drives and my laptop.

I'd also probably go for a bunch of sentimental stuff I conveniently keep in one box, and all my cameras I conveniently keep in another box, and all my photo negatives that I inconveniently keep in a different place.

That's all ideally what I'd do. In actuality I don't think I'd be very calm if the house were on fire. I'd probably panic, grab some stupid shit, and then regret not thinking to save the poor cat for the rest of my life.